Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Mak Ajak Pergi Jalan, Saya Bentangkan Bajet Kurang RM8000 Sekepala

Copyright © 2019 Shea Sonia (@SheaSonia) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Selepas wedding my brother, kita sekeluarga belum sempat nak pergi proper vacation together kita-kita je (faham tak?). So my mom suruh I plan something for the family untuk bulan August 2019. After some discussion, we identified two possible destinations iaitu Turki dan New Zealand.

Jujur, I lagi favour New Zealand. Bukanlah tak suka Turkey ke apa, cuma priorities you know. I want to see the places in my list first. Plus my parents dah pergi Istanbul pun. So while my mom checked with travel agent on package apa bagai, I made a rough budget estimate untuk New Zealand, lengkap dengan itinerary. Bila my mom shared quotations from travel agent (yang tunjuk package ke Istanbul lagi murah dari NZ), I pun bentangkan my plan and budget. Terbukti *chewah* cost yang I anggarkan adalah hampir separuh lebih murah dari quotation New Zealand dan of course lebih murah dari Istanbul travel package. Sebagai usaha mengukuhkan kes, I juga telah menghasut adik-adik dengan janji untuk bawa mereka main snow!

Maka berbekalkan budget munasabah mampu bayar, muka seposen adik-adik yang teringin nak buat snowman dan bruise each other with snowballs, serta janji manis yang I akan uruskan semua booking sebagainya, my parents luluskan usul ResBari Family Trip to North NZ 2019. Yay!

Copyright © 2019 Shea Sonia (@SheaSonia) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Rindu Whitelambchop tak?

Kenapa North Island je?
Sebab mereka-mereka yang terlibat miskin cuti. I pula nak pergi Hobbiton dan walaupun orang cakap South Island lagi cantik dan pemandangannya lebih beragam, I peduli apa. Nasiblah dapat anak/kakak dictator.

Berapa lama?
7th - 14th Aug 2019 tapi termasuk travel days lah. Fly from KUL 7th Aug malam, sampai semula KUL on 14th Aug lepas Subuh. So dekat NZ cuma 6D5N. Beza waktu Malaysia dan NZ masa kami pergi, 4 jam je.

Budget Estimate VS Actual Expenditure

Kalau tak familiar lagi dengan cara I buat budget, I ni suka estimate extra-extra. Makanya, estimated budget I usually jauh lebih tinggi dari actual spending. Rasa selamat sikit bila duit belanja ada lebih and boleh guna untuk benda lain. Kali ni, I buat budget untuk 8 adults all inclusive except for shopping and souvenirs. Banyak lemak la kalau souvenir pun nak suruh mak belanja kan?

Attractions termasuk Hobbiton dan Whakarewarewa - Living Maori Village. Yang lain I cuma listkan entrance fee dan suruh adik-adik pilih mana yang diorang rasa nak pergi and bawa duit sendiri. Mih mih mih!

Remember, ini budget untuk 8 adults. Kalau nak kira untuk per person bahagi la lapan, I ada buat tapi malas nak type dan explain. I kira untuk adik-adik supaya diorang boleh budget kalau nak bayar untuk diri sendiri atau belanja orang lain (bagi mak happy sikit).

Copyright © 2019 Shea Sonia (@SheaSonia) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Budget New Zealand North Island 6D5N for 8 pax

  • Return Flight KUL - AKL (Auckland) - KUL = RM30,252 (actual RM29,560)
  • Car rental (2 medium cars for 5 days) = RM1500 (actual RM1739)
  • Fuel (~1500km for 2 cars) = RM1500 (actual ~RM2000*)
  • Transport Miscellaneous (toll, parking, public transport) = RM500 (actual ~$329)
Copyright © 2019 Shea Sonia (@SheaSonia) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

*kita bayar pakai cash la actually, tapi nak pakai credit card pun boleh lagi senang hidup. Kalau cash, isi dulu baru bayar kat counter. Harga minyak berbeza mengikut station. For reference only, half tank untuk kereta yang kami sewa dalam 32.7 litres = NZ$74.20

  • Accommodation (1 night Auckland, 1 night Rotorua, 2 nights Wellington, 1 night Waitomo) = RM6900 (actual RM6220)
  • Meals (5x breakfast, 6x lunch, 6x dinner) I budget RM500 per person sepanjang perjalanan. 

Total actual bayar pakai NZ dollar I tak kira but I will share in separate posts pasal restaurant atau tempat makan yang kita pergi. Selain daripada tu, kita ada pergi beli snacks, instant noodles and roti apa semua kat supermarket macam New World dan PaknSave.

  • Attractions (ikut places yang *I* nak pergi including Hobbiton dengan Whakarewarewa Village) = NZ$352* per person
*I beli awal via online the Hobbiton and Whakarewarewa tickets. Bayar in NZ dollar, total $996 for 8 pax (RM2794 including credit card conversion rate and charges). Kalau confuse boleh email or DM me on Twitter @SheaSonia

TOTAL ESTIMATE BUDGET for 8 pax = RM58,000+ (RM7250 per person)

Actual expenditure semua kurang dari bajet kecuali sewa kereta dan minyak SEBAB my mom pilih kereta yang mahal sikit dan lapar minyak. Sebuah Honda CR-V SUV dan sebuah lagi Jeep Cherokee. In my proposal, kereta biasa-biasa je tapi mengenangkan nak naik gunung ke Turoa, my mom requested kereta yang elok sikit lah.

Hujung-hujungnya naik Mt Ruapehu pakai shuttle bus je pun sebab semua tak confident nak drive on snowy road. Bayar shuttle ni adalah punca travel miscellaneous budget burst. Tol tak ada, Uber less than $19, parking dua buah kereta $80 untuk 2 malam di Wellington dan lebih kurang $70 untuk beberapa jam masa shopping di Auckland. Tapi shuttle bus payment only accept credit card so tak usik cash pun.

Other Actual Expenses Before Trip

i) Travel Insurance = RM352 for 8 adults
ii) Roaming Man Pocket WiFi = RM285 for 2 units

Useful ke pocket WiFi tu? 
Boleh lah kalau pergi ramai and setakat nak guna lite-lite je. Kalau nak pakai untuk Waze/map, sila download offline map sebab some spots luar big city tak ada coverage langsung. Masa kat Te Kuiti sebelum sampai Waitomo, kita tak dapat contact the other car langsung sebab entah apa masalah connection both pocket WiFi and local sim card.

I prefer local sim card, Spark. Beli kat airport $25 je, then masa travel I top up data $20 takut habis. Sebenarnya cukup je. I am a moderate user la kut, I checked & updated social media from time to time, pakai Whatsapp, posted pics and videos, guna Google Map & Waze, check destination info, research sikit-sikit, book activities, reply emails. Selalu lupa nak pakai WiFi tapi data yang I top up tu macam tak luak sangat. Huhu.

Apa lagi eh?

Basically flight, accommodation, Hobbiton dan Whakarewarewa Village dah dibayar siap-siap di Malaysia in RM/NZ$. Kemudian, bawa credit card untuk bayar sewa kereta + deposit dan kecemasan macam shuttle bus yang tak dirancang tu. Cash pun ada bawa sikit untuk bayar makan, minyak, entrance fees yang tak mahal, dan shopping sikit-sikit. I brought NZ$1000+ cash (~RM3000) but balance ada over NZ$400 so okay la kan?

Copyright © 2019 Shea Sonia (@SheaSonia) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Copyright © 2019 Shea Sonia (@SheaSonia) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Ni view masa berhenti tepi jalan. Truck stop lebih kurang | Along the way from Auckland to Rotorua

Proposed Itinerary

Day 1
Arrived in Auckland. Collect cars.
Mt Eden

Day 2
Check-out Auckland.
- Hobbiton, Matamata
- Whakarewarewa Living Maori Village, Rotorua
Check-in Rotorua

Day 3
Check-out. Head to Wellington, stops along the way:
- Huka Falls
- Lake Taupo
- Opotaka
Check-in Wellington.

Day 4
Wellington city tour
The Weta Cave, Miramar
Mt Victoria
Te Papa Tongarewa Museum
Cable Car Museum
Botanic Garden

Day 5
Check-out. Head to Mt Ruapehu
Check-in Waitomo
Waitomo Glowworm Night Walk

Day 6
Check-out. Return to Auckland
Auckland Museum, Domain & Wintergarden
Souvenir shopping
Return cars
Flight home to KUL

Copyright © 2019 Shea Sonia (@SheaSonia) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Worth it ya keluar awal pagi untuk view macam ni | Wellington, New Zealand.

If you have time, obviously you can save more. Biasalah, kalau nak jimat duit, kena korbankan masa. Ada je cheaper flights tapi kena transit. Accommodation pun ada cheaper options tapi kena share bathroom. Pengsan la lapan orang nak kongsi satu bilik air. Pukul berapa nak siap? Ambil bas atau camper van pun lagi murah. Tapi sekali lagi, perlukan masa. Bas ikut jadual dan route dia. Camper van pula you kena empty the toilet, set up and pack up each time. 

Let me know if you need more info. Details on the accommodations and attractions coming up. Doakan I rajin nak update. 

Note: Malaysians perlu apply NZeTA before visiting New Zealand sekarang. Necessary additional cost di situ.

Safe travel!

Copyright © 2019 Shea Sonia (@SheaSonia) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Saturday, 1 June 2019

Easy Salted Egg Corn Flakes

Salted Egg Yolk Corn Flakes

Salted Egg Yolk Corn Flakes


If you love (unhealthy) snacks like I do, you'd want to try this simple recipe. All you have to do is measure and prep all the ingredients and work quickly.


  • 100g salted butter
  • 2 - 12 bird's eye chillies (cili padi)
  • 3 stalks curry leaves
  • 3 - 5 tbsp salted egg yolk powder (I use Knorr Golden Salted Egg Powder)
  • 1 tsp Maggi Cukup Rasa*
  • 2 tsp sugar*
  • 300g corn flakes (add more if necessary)

*optional seasonings


1. Melt salted butter over medium heat. Add in chopped chillies, curry leaves, followed by salted egg yolk powder. Let bubble.
2. Add seasonings. Pour corn flakes into the gravy, coat well. Turn off the heat.
3. Transfer coated corn flakes onto a cookie sheet. Bake in preheated oven at 160ºC for 8 - 10 minutes.

Salted Egg Yolk Corn Flakes


  • Taste the gravy. Adjust accordingly. Add seasoning and/or sugar.
  • Add by fistful of extra cornflakes if necessary. I usually have to add about tiga genggam just to use up all the delicious kuah.
  • Don't go and cool the corn flakes under a fan or something. As soon as the cookie sheet can be handled (about 10 mins, probably less), store in airtight container. I usually just place the sheet on the kitchen counter, wash the pot and spatula and stuff, then can simpan already by the time I'm done. 

You can serve this for raya but be prepared. It can finish very quickly. 
Have fun snacking!